Membership benefits and fees

PI supports the students, professionals and companies in the bioforest industry versatily. The members benefit from the large network, developing the knowledge and the skills and the support for the studies and career for example in the form of scholarships and events. Utilise the joining campaign benefits now!

As a individual member you will benefit in many ways:

Enlarge your network 

  • Network and change your views about the industry in the PI's event with people coming from several companies
  • Utilise the contact details of the 2600 members and over 50 company members in the PI's digital Yearbook. 

Develop your skills and knowledge

  • Get a discounted price for the topical PI's seminars
  • Get the entrance for the free PI's breakfast seminars and webinars
  • Get the Puunvuoro - Creating Bioeconomy magazine for free four times a year
  • Get access to ForestBioFacts - unique digital learning environment that deals with wood-based products and technologies from multiple perspectives. At ForestBioFacts webpages you can also find all Papermaking Science & Technology books in PDF-format.
  • Get -30 % of the Papermaking Science & Technology -book series (students -50 %)


Get support for your career

  • Scroll open positions in the bioforest industry and news in the media practically summarized on our webpages
  • Utilize PI's international contacts in abroad 
  • Participate our mentoring programme

Get support for your studies

  • Get funding for your international studies and traineeships or for your doctoral and Post-Doc studies. You may also get a scholarship for your well accomplished studies. (We give scholarships and awards appr. with 100 000 € / year)
  • Apply for our international traineeship positions
  • Participate in our working life event, Forest Based Industries, FBI, day to find a summer job for free as well as in our other events for free or only with a small charge
  • You can network and change your views about the indutsry in the PI's event with people coming from several companies
  • You can utilize the contact details of the 2600 members in the PI's Yearbook. 

Welcome to join the growing network for bioforest industry professionals and companies!


Individual membership fees

  • Annual members: 91 €/year
    • Puunvuoro -journal delivery is included. 
  • Annual members with a family discount: 36 €/year
    • Couple living in the same apartment has the right to a family discount. It means that one person gets a reduced price and only one Puunvuoro -journal will be delivered.
  • Recently graduated annual members: 66 €/year
    • Reduced membership fee is valid after five years of graduation
  • Student members: 22 €/year
    • The student membership is valid for the B.Sc. and M.Sc. students.  
  • Retired members: support membership fee of 66 €/year
    • Puunvuoro -journal delivery is included. 

Membership term is 1.5.-30.4.


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