Welcome to join the network for bioforest industry professionals and companies!

New members are officially accepted twice a year: in the PI's Annual meeting in April and in the Autumn meeting in November. After the meeting you will get all the membership benefits for your use and Puunvuoro magazine delivered to your home. 

As a PI's member you will benefit in many ways: enlarge your network, develop your skills and competence and get support for your career and studies. Read more about membership benefits and fees.

Active recommenders will be rewarded, therefore be sure to write down the name of your possible referrer in the application. 

Annual members

People working in the forest industry or in the related industry can join the PI as an annual member. Professionals having a third stage degree are in our primary target group. 

Student members

Student members can join after studying two years at the educational institute. Consequently, to benefit the most from the membership, it is recommended to apply for the membership already in the spring of the second studying year. 

NB! Doctoral students will be joined as a normal annual member. 

Company members

Companies working in the forest or closely related industry can join the PI as a company member.

Join as a corporate member 


More about the rules of the association.

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