Listen to your favorite themes from ForestBioFacts!


ForestBioFacts audiobook is now available. Go to and listen to your favorite themes!

Need new information but don't have time to read? In ForestBioFacts, you can now listen to the content with an artificial intelligence-generated voice in English and translations into multiple languages. Test how the articles sound in Chinese, Finnish, German, Spanish or Portuguese

On the top of each article, you can find audio player powered by Trinity Audio. From the globe sign you can open the language selection and from the 1.0x you can change the audio speed.

As mentioned, AI produces the voices and translations, and reads the English text and abbreviations as they appear. We do not guarantee the quality of the translations, but we hope they will improve your learning experience.

We will continue the development of the audiobook and teach AI to improve.

Try out and send us feedback!