CANCELLED: PI's Spring Summit 2020

Spring Summit is unfortunately cancelled. Topical Spring Overview will be arranged April, 23rd. Read more


Get inspired about the digitalisation in bioforest industry and learn more how climate change works as a driver for the whole branch

Spring Summit 2020 and Annual Meeting are held in the National Museum of Finland (Kansallismuseo), Helsinki at April 23rd. The Summit will discuss how climate change and digitalisation are visible in the bioforest industry now and in the future. Keynote speech will be given by futurist, inventor and composer Perttu Pölönen.

In addition to Pölönen, inspiring speakers include:

  • Nina Killström, Sustainability Services & Mika Järvensivu, Partner, Deloitte Oy
  • Saila Kettunen, Business Unit Director, Barrier Boards, Kotkamills
  • Jukka Ravaska, CEO, Fintoil Oy
  • Pirita Mikkanen, Vice President, Energy, Metsä Group

Annual meeting will be held in beginning of the seminar. Annual meeting will include matters defined by the statutes, review of PI strategy for 2020-2025 and a summary of PI´s activities. Also scholarships and awards will be given out. PI’s financial statements are available on PI's member pages on April 9th.

Have a look at the Spring Summit 2020 programme 
Please note that the presentations will be given in Finnish.

More information: Natalia Musina, natalia.musina(a)

Ilmoittautuminen tapahtumaan on päättynyt.


23.4.2020 10:00 – 23.4.2020 17:00


Kansallismuseo, Mannerheimintie 34, 00100 Helsinki


Jäsen / Member 150 €
Jäsen (pienyritys, alle 10 hlöä) / Member (SME, less than 10 employees) 100 €
Päätoiminen jatko-opiskelija / Full-time Doctoral Student 20 €
Eläkeläinen, lomautettu, työtön, perhevapaalla / Retired, Unemployed, Parental leave 50 €
Opiskelija / Student 0 €
Jäsen, vain virallinen osuus / Member, only official issues (10.30-11.30) 0 €
Ei-jäsen / Non-member 250 €
Vuosijäsenyyttä hakeva (kevät 2020) / Applicant for annual membership (Spring 2020) 0 €

Event type



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